2.2 Omega 12 (20/12/2024)
- Increased the starting number of laboratories by 1 (3).
- Added an initial mining base mission that provides an outpost with some mines.
- New espionage mission from the "diplomat" skill called "colonial relations." Successfully completing it grants the colony a temporary bonus to popular support.
Faction Characteristics Changes
- Xenophobia: protection against all espionage missions 20% -> 50%.
- Promised Land: immigration bonus 30% -> 15%.
- Tithe: tax bonus 20% -> 10%.
- Progeny: fertility bonus 150% -> 50%.
- Carpe Diem: +20% to taxes, -25% to wealth growth in the colony.
- Autarky: -20% maintenance cost of bases.
Quantum Gate Changes
Quantum gates now require warp fuel for usage. This cost is deducted from the base's warehouse or, failing that, from the subsector. It is no longer necessary for a base to belong to a consortium to access other consortium members' gates.
New Diplomatic Mode
A new "limited consortium" mode is introduced where diplomacy functions as normal, except consortium members cannot share bases. Other consortium mechanics remain unchanged: sharing quantum gates, joint defense, and diplomacy.
In consortiums where coordinated and cooperative play is possible, players can share modules using consortium bases, allowing specialization. This enables the entire consortium to access critical modules like laboratories, manufacturing plants, or advanced weaponry much faster than an individual faction could. Therefore, in games with organized consortiums, the only viable competition is another organized consortium.
This new diplomacy mode will be tested in this game.
Colony Changes
- The population movement mechanics will now work as follows:
- The faction receives an immigration rate of 2,000 colonists (x server speed). This remains unchanged.
- To this, the fertility of each colony is added, calculated individually based on the governor and the "progeny" trait. The fertility of all colonies is then summed.
- The total recruitment carried out in the colonies is subtracted.
The resulting value can be positive (colonies gain population) or negative (colonies lose population). It will be possible to lose population if recruitment is very high across all colonies. The gain is distributed among colonies with capacity for new settlers. If the balance is negative, it will be deducted from all colonies.
Note: Governors with the colonizer skill will be more efficient as colony populations grow, as they will now impact the fertility value of the colony.
Popular Support Changes
- The planetary trait "dreamlike landscapes" now provides a bonus to popular support instead of an immigration bonus.
- Added a new popular support modifier based on the environment:
- Optimal: +0.1
- Benign: +0.05
- Severe / Space: -0.1
- Blocking a subsector with a colony now imposes a popular support penalty of -0.5 instead of -0.2.
Consumer Goods
- The current consumer goods system has some issues. Currently, it primarily serves to generate money from colonies, and the idea of colonies buying directly from the market allows excessive profits. Furthermore, the bonus from consumer goods loses its purpose unless the player actively manages their acquisition and distribution. The current system is also somewhat convoluted regarding purchases, tariffs, and subsidies.
The system reverts to the previous model where consumer goods can be obtained through self-production or trade between players. These goods can then be distributed to colonies, providing various bonuses:
- Popular support
- Fertility
- Wealth
- Money
The concept of supply bases returns. Colonies will automatically link to the base from which they were founded. This base will serve as the source for consumer goods each cycle. The supply base can be changed to any base within the same subsector.
New planetary resources have been added. These resources are not present on all planets or asteroid fields. Alongside Plaximon, five other resources have been introduced, used exclusively for manufacturing consumer goods. Once extracted, these resources can be sold on the market or used for manufacturing.
Colonial Bombardment
Colonial bombardment mechanics are adjusted to reduce their impact, which was previously too severe. Colonial bombardment still incurs a supply cost that determines the damage inflicted on the colony. Damage affects population and wealth, up to 30%. The remaining population is presumed to hide in bunkers and remain protected for some time, preventing further bombardments during this period.
Example: A colony with 1,000,000 colonists and 2.0 wealth could lose 300,000 colonists, and its wealth would drop to 1.4.
Conducting colonial bombardment will still incur the "war crimes" penalty unless the fundamentalism or supremacism perks are active.
2.1.2 Changes in Interception System
- Border interception has been removed.
- The patrol order now has two modes: subsector patrol and system patrol.
- Subsector patrol is similar to the previous subsector blockade:
- Attacks incoming shipments in the subsector.
- Attacks incoming fleets in the subsector.
- Attacks incoming fleets in the subsector arriving via quantum gates.
- Attacks any fleet in the subsector unless protected by a base.
- Blocks the colony, causing a penalty to public support.
- If the blocked subsector is the arrival subsector for shipments, intercepts them.
- System patrol is a new alert mode that attacks fleets within the system.
- It can enter pursuit mode if assigned to a fleet, chasing it until it is destroyed.
- If no enemy fleet is assigned, it seeks the nearest hostile fleet.
- If no hostile fleets are detected in the system, it remains in system patrol mode, awaiting detection of a new hostile fleet.
- Ends when the total duration of the order concludes.
2.1.1 Changes in Market
- The market screen has been updated to always display the product list, with the right panel showing options for buying, selling, or creating orders.
- Trade orders now take 2 hours to become active. While inactive, they do not appear in the market.
- The distance surcharge has been removed. All orders take the same time and have no transportation cost.
2.1 Omega 11 (8/11/2024)
- Modification of daily achievements information so that it does not display values from other factions that do not belong to our consortium. It will still show which factions are in the top, but without displaying the data.
- Added industrial information espionage mission (hacker).
Changes in Faction Traits
- The "genetic selection" faction trait changes from having a 25% chance of a better skill level to 15%. The "military tradition" trait adds the same bonus with a 5% chance.
- The "Letter of Marque" and "Mercenary Networks" traits replace their remote recruitment bonus with an increased pool (see below).
Changes in Mercenary Fleets
- Mercenary fleets now have a dedicated pool for each faction. Each faction will have a maximum of 2 mercenary fleets available at any time. Each cycle, there is a chance for a new mercenary fleet to be generated, which will replace the oldest fleet in the pool at that moment.
- Mercenary fleets will appear in systems where the faction has base presence, so the former remote recruitment faction trait loses its purpose. Instead, remote recruitment is replaced by an increased pool (4 fleets max) and a higher probability of new fleet appearance.
- The maximum level of mercenary fleets will depend on the faction level.
- New mercenary fleets have been added, including transport fleets.
Changes in Warp Engines
- The Alcubierre metric now simply depends on the advanced calculus branch, without requiring a specific branch.
- Changes in warp engine characteristics with the following logic:
- Explorer Engines: maximum range (20), lower speed.
- Daedalus Engines: medium range (12), medium speed.
- Icarus Engines: short range (8), high speed.
- Planck Engines: long range (15), high speed, requirements tripled (x3) for equipping on large or capital ships.
- Construction requirements for all engines now include radioisotopes and hydrogen. Antimatter requirements have been removed.
Changes in Shipping System
- Ports have been modified to establish two general categories: local ports and jump ports. The former only allows shipments within the same system, while the latter enables transfers to another system.
- IMPORTANT: The number of jumps for shipments is limited to 1. It will no longer be possible to make shipments with more than one jump, except when using the Stranet. When managing extensive territory, a logistics network connecting jump ports will be necessary.
- The base jump range for shipments remains as before, with a base value of 10, and can be increased with drone warp engine technologies.
- The automatic shipment screen has been modified to independently set up three types of shipments: resources, modules, and manufacturing. The latter is for defining whether we want the base assembly plants to automatically send out production.
New Enclaves and Victory Points
- New enclaves will be added to this game, and a map with many of them will be generated. The idea is to encourage players to compete for them from the start and create tension to capture them as soon as possible.
- Enclaves provide victory points. Basic enclaves give 1 point per day, the more important ones 5, and Earth 10. The game will end when a consortium reaches the target number of points. This system is specific to this scenario and not necessarily the final system for future use.
- Besides victory points, some enclaves now provide an extra bonus, similar to faction traits. The faction that controls it will enjoy this bonus while in control of the enclave.
- Enclaves not controlled by powerful NPC factions will be undefended, and a well-planned assault will be sufficient to capture them in the early game.
The shipping system has been revamped to make it simpler and more intuitive.
- Logistic ports now produce cargo drones and jump drones (replacing the concept of transports). The former allows shipments within the same system, and the latter to other systems (but also usable within the same system). Ports regenerate drones every cycle. Every time a shipment is made, the necessary cargo drones are consumed.
- Different ports will have different configurations of cargo and jump drones and different capacities. For this version, ports retain values equivalent to the old ports but will be modified in the next patch.
- Shipping templates and the concept of a "logistics base" have been removed. In their place, there will be "automatic shipments" processed every cycle, sending cargo from an origin base to a destination base. This is accessible from the automatic shipments screen in the menu.
- Assembly plant manufacturing processes can be configured to send their output to a destination base (which can differ from the one set up for automatic shipments).
- New fuel system implemented, where warp engines have a "fuel capacity." The fuel required for the jump is taken from this capacity instead of using the fleet’s storage.
- Ships can have multiple warp engines, increasing their capacity but also their consumption. In the future, expansions for these tanks might be introduced.
- To refill a fuel tank, simply put the fleet in docking mode; it will take the necessary fuel from the subsector and fully recharge its tanks in a single cycle.
- Warp fuel has been unified into a single type, "jump fuel," which must be manufactured in an assembly plant.
2.0 Omega 10
- The troops to which each type of troop can be "upgraded" have been modified so that each upgrade involves only one level. For example, a militia that can be upgraded from level 1 to level 0 can be upgraded to level 1 troops (e.g., infantry). Later, it will be possible to make new upgrades to the same unit, but one level at a time. If you wanted to upgrade a militia to a xenotrooper, it could be done as follows: militia -> infantry, infantry -> legion, legion -> xenotrooper (3 upgrades). The goal is for upgrades to be more gradual and their cost proportional to the degree of improvement.
- Initially, state administration goes from 15 to 5. Upon acquiring the first level of state administration (+10), you will have 15 points. This allows you to build initial and mining bases but not expand too aggressively until technology is further improved.
- The leviathan (and Aurora) chassis gain 400 space points to make upgrading from dreadnought worthwhile.
Changes in characteristics
- Faction characteristics: national sentiment (national), faith dogma (religious), free society (ideological), and scientism (technocratic) change their popular support bonus from 0.2 to 0.1. Since it's a passive bonus and several skills can accumulate, a +0.2 was excessive.
- "Fundamentalism" (religious) changes from giving a popular support bonus to giving the same bonus as supremacism (ability to bomb colonies without penalties to popular support).
- "National Guard" (national) reduces its militia bonus from 200% to 100% but adds a bonus that reduces the order required in colonies by 50%.
- "Stimulus Measures" (corporate) changes its bonus to production from computing centers from 50% to 100%.
- "Bank Secrecy" (corporate) now adds a bonus to the colonists' initial wealth of +0.5. This bonus can accumulate with the "High Society" characteristic, which grants +1, starting colonists with 2.5 wealth.
New order levels
New colonial order levels have been added:
Level / Popular support
- No garrison: -0.4 (no troops)
- Very low: -0.3 (order below 50% of the required level)
- Insufficient: -0.2 (order below the required level, up to 50%)
- High security: +0.1 (order above double the required level)
New colonial bombing system
- Any faction can now bomb a colony. The only requirement is that there must be no enemy bases in the subsector, removing the need for the "supremacism" characteristic. The damage to the colony depends on the damage the fleet can produce, considering that each round reduces the organization of its units. If the fleet is not large enough to destroy the colony before depleting its ammunition (organization), the colony will lose colonial modules and population but will continue to exist. If there is enough firepower, the colony will be completely razed.
- At the end of the bombardment, the attacking faction will receive a popular support penalty for "war crimes" in all its colonies unless it has supremacism or fundamentalism.
- Corsair fleets cannot carry out colonial bombardments.
Repair system
Some aspects of the repair system have been modified to make it simpler and to add a "resource" cost.
- A new object is created under the "processed resource" category called "spare parts." Each unit of spare parts will allow the repair of one structure point of any damaged unit. Therefore, not only will repair capacity be needed, but spare parts will also be required, which will be consumed.
- The concepts of self-repair and external repair are eliminated. The former was the ability of the unit itself to repair its damage, and the latter was the ability to repair other units. Instead, there will be a single concept of "repair" that allows the repair of not only the unit itself but any other unit in the subsector.
- The possibility for fleets to repair themselves while moving or performing any activity other than "docking" is removed. The entire fleet must dock to begin repairs.
- The "docking" fleet order can now be carried out in any subsector, regardless of whether there is a base in it. A fleet could then dock alone in any subsector and process its repairs.
- The repair system is processed the same way as before, sharing its repair capacity among all units in a subsector (bases and docked fleets).
- Self-repair modules are eliminated. Bases' cores are provided with "repair" capability. Their capacity can be increased by installing shipyards. Ships do not have base repair capacity but can install repair hangar modules.
Warp engines
Warp engines have been modified to consume a new type of fuel called "warp fuel." It belongs to a new object category called "processed resources." It must be produced in an assembly plant at the cost of radioisotopes and hydrogen.
- Explorer engines. Range 15 -> 25. Their speed has also been increased.
- Explorer and Daedalus engines have a lower warp fuel cost than Icarus and Plank engines.
- Plank engines no longer require antimatter as fuel, but they do for their manufacturing.
- Icarus engines no longer require hydrogen as fuel, but they do for their manufacturing.
- Explorer and Daedalus engines are slower than Plank and Icarus engines but consume less fuel.
New supply system
- A new object called "supplies" has been added as part of the "processed resources" category. Supplies represent the ammunition and consumables that units need to operate.
- Units (bases, ships, and troops) will have their own supply storage and a maximum capacity. When the unit is created, the storage will be full and will be consumed as the unit performs tasks. The supply storage is a separate depot from the cargo hold, and it is not possible to transfer supplies directly between them.
The way to replenish supplies will be through a docking order, and spaceports will be responsible for converting supplies objects into supply points for the unit. The transfer speed will depend on the port's transfer capacity.
- New spaceports for ships called "supply hangars" have been added, with a lower transfer capacity than their base counterparts. All base cores have a base supply transfer capacity.
- If a unit completely runs out of supplies, its organization drops to 0, and it will lose its ability to fight. Additionally, its sublight speed will be penalized by 50%.
- Combat: each weapon type has a supply cost, so each round of combat will deduct its cost from the unit.
- Movement: when the unit moves to another subsector, the supply cost per AU of its thrusters will be deducted from its supply storage.
1.9 Omega 9
- Troops of the codex order increase their planetary defense (25->30) and space defense to (10->30).
- Most item megaprojects have had two new phases added. The first phase requires a level 1 item (5 days), the second a level 2 item (5 days), and the third a level 3 item (5 days). Previously it was a single phase that lasted a week and required three level 3 items. The goal of this change is to make it so that mega projects can (and should) be started earlier since the items are available when the level is reduced but the time is longer. phase times.
- Reduced the prestige gained from achievements. As a general rule there will now be three levels, the basic one which is obtained relatively quickly and grants 1,000 points. The advanced one that is reached in the mid game or shortly before (2,500) and the late game achievements that will only achieve some factions (5,000).
1.8 Omega 8
A rebalancing of fighters has been done to reduce their spam and to bring them to a level equivalent to conventional fleets.
- Rocket launchers: resource costs increased, equivalent to an M weapon. Added cost of radioisotopes. Installation time increased from 1h to 2h. Number of shots per round 2 -> 1.
- Torpedoes: installation time increased from 1 to 4 hours. Increased resource costs.
- 200mm Cannons and pulse laser cannon: increased resource costs. Shots per round 2 -> 1. Increased damage.
- Production times and resource costs in general have increased to make unit spamming more difficult.
- 4X fighter hangar can no longer be equipped on a heavy carrier.
- Tracking speed of torpedoes reduced to null (75% bases, 50% supercaps, 25% heavies).
Faction Bonus
- The immigration faction bonus is removed. The base value goes from 1000 to 2000 per hour multiplied by the server speed. It would be equivalent to a level 3 faction, which will not change throughout the game.
- The state administration bonus is removed. The value is determined solely by the base value (20) and technology (+10/level), allowing a maximum value of 85.
In both cases, the goal is to eliminate the difference between the more advanced factions and the less advanced ones that allowed them to grow much faster, further increasing the difference. The faction level will only determine the number of faction traits and the level of missions.
- Fertility becomes a global value calculated based on the total population of the colonies. The fertility value will be added to the immigration value every hour and will be distributed among the colonies as well. The new value will be lower than the current one, but it will be a supplement especially in the late game that will benefit all colonies.
1.7.2 (Mid-game changes)
- Added cyclical processes to assembly plants, shipyards, and barracks.
- Improvements to the send creation screen:
- You can now send using the warehouse of the entire subsector, not just the base, avoiding the need to transfer to the base from where the send will be made beforehand.
- Base models added as templates to be able to select all the modules a model has.
- New button on the assembly plant screen that allows hiding modules that have become obsolete by more advanced ones, making the lists shorter.
- Redesign of the ship modification screen.
- Now you can sort: fleets, bases, colonies, leaders, and ship, base, and troop models. By default, this sorting will be respected on all screens.
- The ability to make a model obsolete is added so that it does not show up in the production list of shipyards and assembly plants.
1.7.1 (05/07/2024)
New mission: Battle Simulation
- Requires hacker skill.
- This mission must now be completed in order to conduct battle simulations. Upon completion, the object on which the mission was conducted can be selected on the simulation screen.
New mission: Coup d'État
- Requires diplomat skill.
- Allows triggering the independence of a colony with low popular support.
- Success chances increase as popular support decreases.
- Independence occurs directly, without battles.
New mission: Aid Package
- Requires diplomat skill.
- Allows sending shipments for 24 hours to the base where the mission was completed.
- Anything can be sent, and there is no limit except for the duration.
- Allows supporting other factions in proxy wars or aiding newcomers.
New mission: Diplomatic Link
- Requires diplomat skill.
- Allows improving relations with an NPC. Each successful attempt increases the relationship by one point.
1.7 (19/04/2024) Omega 7
Faction characteristics
- Flexible industry and centralized industrialization reduce their bonuses by half.
- Removed the features of "production cells" and "synchronized production" from the corporate faction.
- Added corporate feature "independent builders" that grants a bonus to the speed of base construction.
- Added corporate feature "outsourced transportation" that reduces the cost of shipments when using Stranet.
- The "great minds" feature now grants a 7% bonus to research. The "scientism" feature no longer grants research bonuses, instead granting bonuses to popular support.
- Removed feature "interdisciplinarity II". Added "genetic selection" which provides a 25% chance for a leader's skill to be one level higher.
- Now some missions have options that require a specific faction feature. More options and missions will gradually be introduced that allow for better rewards and alternatives if certain features are possessed.
Module Changes
- Laser weapons lose one level of armor penetration but gain damage, now making approximately 75% of what an equivalent autocannon does (formerly 50%).
- Nuclear Flak cannons disappear except for one, which is integrated at the end of the Flak cannon technology branch and is more powerful than the Flak 105. Now requires neutronium instead of Gravitonium.
- All Ring stations except one disappear, which will be like an upgraded version of the Delta V station requiring Gravitonium.
- Orbital Bastion now available as hi-end technology. Requires Gravitonium for construction.
- Added Byzantine fortress as a planetary fortification with armor level 4. Requires Neutronium.
Tractor Beams
- All tractor beams have been updated to suit the needs of anti-fighter ships.
- Base tractor beams are now called "multiple tractor beams". They remain type I, II, III, with similar cost but offering an increase in tracking for all weapons by 2, 3, and 4 points respectively. All consume approximately what a weapon does.
- Ship tractor beams are now called small, medium, and large and occupy space like a small, medium, and large turret. They offer an increase in tracking for all ship weapons by 1, 2, and 3 points respectively. For example, a destroyer with two medium tractor beams would have a +4 tracking on all its medium weapons, going from MEDIUM -> HIGH -> VERY HIGH -> EXTREME -> ABSURD.
- Tractor beams cannot reduce maneuverability beyond the level "High". They are intended to reduce the maneuverability of fighters or small ships with maneuvering thrusters.
Hull Reinforcements
- The Poly-B branch ceases to be a special Beurita armor and instead becomes special modules for supercapitals occupying 450 space (triple that of a poly-A) and offering four times the amount of structure as a poly-B.
- Armor levels are now: testudo (2), poly-A (3), poly-B (4).
- Three new Beurita-enriched modules are created that can be manufactured once the high-end of each branch is reached. This Beurita module has a bonus of +1 armor and +25% hull compared to the normal module.
- The general idea is to suppress a technological branch related to Beurita since it is not known if access to it can be obtained until late in the game. Creating modules for supercapitals provides them with more specialized objects and avoids having to stack several intermediate modules.
- Following the same logic as hull reinforcements, the rare resource branch (gravitonium) is suppressed. In its place, branch Z is created, which will be shields for supercapitals. At the end of each branch, there is a special gravitonium module that surpasses its normal equivalent by adding 50% shield points.
Military Extensions
- Two new base extensions are added: military extensions and military platforms, to be used by planetary and space bases respectively. Both add a fortification and weapon slot.
Base Constructor
- Now the capabilities of the base can be consulted in the module tab with a tooltip that shows detailed information including remaining weapon and fortification modules.
- The base constructor tab has changed its design to show four possible states of the constructor:
1. Disabled: the constructor does nothing.
2. Constructor: the constructor tries to assemble the design that is linked to the base.
3. Recycled: the constructor recycles all modules and the base.
4. Uninstallation: the constructor uninstalls each module and retrieves the complete module from the base.
- The constructor now reactivates in case a fleet deposits new modules and when a new shipment arrives, allowing you not to have to be attentive to reactivate it. This can be especially useful when setting up remote bases and sending modules to be installed.
Other Changes
- Shipping surcharge for distance reduced by 90% to allow for better competition in the market.
- Now fleet score includes the mass of fighters (base and fleets).
- Troop score now based on the combat characteristics of each troop, not all units will be worth the same.
QOL (Quality of Life)
- Increased queues for assembly plants, shipyards, and barracks.
- Improvements in the interface to perform a preloading of data and then instant socket communication to keep the data synchronized with the right object panel and the events panel. By preloading data, loading data from a system is instant. This also frees up server load, increasing its capacity to process other requests faster.
- It is now possible to modify the origin base of a shipping template. When creating a shipping template, the default option is "all resources" and 10% minimum transport capacity.
1.6 (03/08/2024) Omega 6
- Added Outpost II and Outpost III base cores as advanced versions of the outpost. They require advanced base technologies and have higher maintenance and resource costs, but provide 1000 and 2000 extra module capacity points.
- Rebalanced bases. Alpha, Dome, Omega, and Core bases now have 8000 capacity at level 1 and increase by 2000 per technology level: 8000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000 (V). This gives more value to the base technology increase and shortens the gap between an outpost and an advanced level 1 base.
- CORE bases are now equivalent to advanced bases but for any type of planetary environment. They have similar capabilities to other bases but with higher resource costs.
Colonies and Habitats
- Rebalanced habitat sizes. Now all basic habitats have a capacity of 100k and increase by 25k per level. The only difference between one type and another is the amount of resources and time it takes to build. Space habitats start with 50k and increase by 15k per level.
- Colony level now increases when the previous colonist value is exceeded by one. For example, a medium colony is obtained with 200,001 colonists instead of 200,000 to level up when installing a third habitat, not when finishing filling the second one.
- A new mothership chassis has been created, available within the chassis branch of the transport tree. The mothership is a high-capacity chassis that allows the integration of production modules: assembly, shipyard, and barracks.
- Although the technology is for late game, a new megaproject has been created available from early that allows the construction of a basic mothership with one module of each type.
- Production takes place using the fleet hangar and can be shared with the subsector if the mothership fleet encounters other fleets or bases in the same subsector.
New Tutorial
- The new tutorial is now available to be played on a regular server. It basically follows the same steps as the previous one but has a new interface for the advisor who guides you step by step on what you need to do.
- The tutorial is played as a new single-player game that will be generated when creating the faction. If the faction becomes inactive or the tutorial is completed, the game will be deleted. However, it is possible to delete the game at any time.
- Only one game can be played at a time on the same server, so it is not possible to play the tutorial if the main server game is already being played. Nor can the main game be played while the tutorial game is still active.
- Updated to the latest versions of the server's database and software. I have done several tests and everything seems to work correctly. An improvement in the overall performance of the game is expected.
- Flak cannons reduce their penetration to 1 to adapt them to the destruction of small ships. Artilleries now have a penetration of 3 to adapt them to battleships. Supercapitals have their own turrets, antimatter cannons.
- Removed turrets from industrial ships.
- Changes in the algorithm of space battles. During a combat round, when a unit (base or ship) has weapons of different types, the algorithm will look for a target that is already being fired upon by weapons of the same type, or it will look for the most suitable target for the type of weapon. This solves the problem (especially in bases) where flak weapons waste shots on large ships or artillery wastes shots on small ships (having more optimal targets to shoot at).
- Deep-Core GRAV renamed to Deep-Core Plasma. Values readjusted. It now has its own tech that comes from megamines. Requires lambda plasma instead of gravitonium.
1.5 (2023/12/15) Omega 5
- Cost of basic mines slightly increased. Core mines remain at the same resource cost.
- The market interface has been improved to make it slightly more intuitive.
- Stranet will establish a base per region over time. The requirements are that it's a non-NPC sovereign system with at least one colony, and the sovereign is not hostile to Stranet.
- Prices of resources bought and sold by Stranet will now be subject to a more limited stock for certain resources, and prices will vary over time depending on what Stranet manages to buy or sell.
- Added a 10% commission on the total price for creating buy or sell orders.
- Rare resources have been removed from the market.
- Added a new ultralight carrier available with light chassis. It allows carrying two fighters.
- New larger fighter hangars created to dock with light, heavy, and super-heavy carriers. With a maximum tier, a super-heavy could carry 30 fighters.
- Modified fighter stations to adjust them to a size as well.
- A new type of weapon, Gungnir rocket launcher, has been added, which will be the weapon adapted to destroy medium targets and will be equipped on the Falcon. The Falcon can use either the rocket launcher or a double 200mm cannon.
- The Plasma torpedo branch disappears, leaving a single technology at the end of the fusion torpedo branch. Plasma torpedoes can be unlocked after obtaining all fusion torpedoes.
Warp Engines
- Icarus engines go from range 12 to 10.
- Daedalus engines go from range 8 to 10.
- The Planck SV branch has been eliminated.
- The Alcubierre engine is now the last level of Planck with a construction cost of Lambda Plasma and Antimatter fuel.
- One more level of explorer and Daedalus has been added.
- The quantum mass of Daedalus has been increased.
New Immigration System
- There is now a global immigration value of 1000 colonists X server speed, distributed proportionally among growing colonies. Each faction level adds 250 X speed new colonists to the total rate. On an X3 server, the initial rate will be 3,000 colonists/hour = 72,000/day. A level 4 faction will receive (1,000 + 250 x 4) x 3 = 6,000 colonists/hour.
- A new ability for governors is added... "colonizer," which adds a fixed value of immigrants to the colony proportional to their ability.
- Dream landscapes will add a fixed value of immigrants/hour, so colonies on those planets will grow much faster.
- There will be two global modifiers based on faction characteristics: Promised Land (+50%) and Xenophobia (-10%), which apply to the base value. Other factors based on events may also exist.
Changes to the Colony Attack System
- Corsair admiral skill now increases the benefits of looting.
- There are now 3 types of looting: local, regional, and total. Each of them has chances to trigger a partial or total defensive response. A partial response will consist of a percentage of the colonial militia. A total response includes the entire colony militia and the support of defensive bases.
- If the colony has been recently looted, the chance for any new loot to receive a total defensive response will be 100%.
- Colony bombardments will now be "instantaneous," although it takes time for the fleet to carry out the mission.
Colonial Militia
- Now colony militias depend on the number of soldiers in the colony. This number will decrease when an attack occurs and will regenerate gradually every cycle.
Base Armament Buff
- Flak cannons change from damage 150 (4 rounds) -> 1000 (3 rounds). Small ship destruction batteries.
- Artillery 2500 -> 8000. Laser 1000 -> 4000. Large ship destruction batteries.
- Plasma cannon is renamed to antimatter cannon and changes from 4000 to 20000 damage, very low tracking. The requirement changes from Lambda Plasma to antimatter.
Other Changes
- Number of thrusters limited to 2 per ship to avoid designs with absurd maneuverability.
- Added a money transfer function between members of the same consortium. From the faction screen, any amount can be transferred with a 10% fee.
- Maps can now generate systems of three different sizes (small, medium, large), this size will depend on the game. The size of the systems determines the number of planets and other celestial bodies it can contain, as well as the maximum number of starting players.
- Numerous internal changes have been made to the server to adapt it to be able to run multiple games simultaneously. This has been done to be able to run games for a single player, including the new tutorial that will be ready soon. Due to the fact that numerous parts of the code have been touched and drastic changes have been made, the game may have some unintended flaws that will be corrected as quickly as possible. I apologize in advance.
1.4 (03/11/2023) Omega 4
- The game now starts with an Omega base instead of an outpost. This allows for a slightly faster start and prevents players from getting stuck waiting to build their second base.
- New resource "Xenolite." It replaces the old Perovskite resource and can be found on some rare asteroids. Xenolite is used to construct hovercraft, whose selling price has been significantly increased. It's a resource that can be easily converted into money.
- New resource "Extremophiles." Found on some asteroids, they are required to manufacture more advanced life support systems.
Colonies: Changes in Consumer Goods
- Social services have been removed.
- The new system using a "supply base" to provide colonies with consumer goods and obtain a popular support bonus has been eliminated.
- The concept of "subsidies" has been introduced, which is a percentage reduction in the price of consumer goods that our faction sells to its colonies. The bonus to popular support will be determined by this percentage. So, if we provide our colonies with food that grants a bonus of +0.1/hour and the subsidy is 75%, the final bonus will be +0.05%/hour. The level of subsidies is chosen in each colony in the place where social services used to be.
- Players themselves will have to provide their colonies with subsidized consumer goods if they want to receive the popular support bonus. The cost of subsidies will be reflected in finances.
Changes in Modules
- Thrusters have changed in size. The Orion and Fusion models now require hydrogen to be constructed.
- Specialized laboratories receive an upgrade in their research multipliers, reaching 1.75 in the advanced versions. Observatories now have a high multiplier in the energy branch.
- Data centers and cloning centers receive a buff. The basic level now provides roughly the same as a colony with 100,000 inhabitants.
- Vanguard stations go from having a state management cost of 1 to 2 to limit the overexpansion of stations that hold colonies and, indirectly, to limit the number of colonies.
- Fission reactors receive a buff, narrowing the gap with fusion reactors, which are still better and require hydrogen.
Reinforcements, Supplies, and Repairs
In a previous version, the supply system was modified to allow supplies to be received in the system. Fleets that were in base could receive more supplies and restore their organization more quickly. Now, fleets will need to be in a port to be resupplied, but all ports of all bases in the subsector (including consortium bases) will collaborate to provide service to all fleets in the same subsector.
This system has also been adapted for repairs and reinforcements. When a fleet docks at a subsector base, it can receive repairs and reinforcements from all bases in the same subsector, with the sole exception that reinforcements are only received from one's own bases. This way, it will not be necessary to choose the best base in a subsector or split the fleet to receive repairs faster.
The logistics screen has been removed from the base menu and integrated as a tab within the bases.
In the subsector screen, there is a new services tab showing allied bases and their repair, reinforcement, and supply services.
Personnel Licenses (Discharges)
A new mechanic has been introduced that reduces a number of reservists every cycle proportional to the total size of your units (fleets, bases, troops). Reservists are a valuable and scarce resource at the beginning of the game but become abundant in the mid/late game. Generally, having one or two colonies recruiting is more than sufficient unless you are rapidly expanding. Introducing a cycle cost obliges you to maintain an extra constant flow.
The assigned value is 1 reservist/cycle for every 1,000 personnel. So, if you have a total of 10,000 personnel, you will have a cycle cost of 10. This value is affected by the server's speed.
To compensate for the start of the game, the base reservist capacity has been doubled, and the game begins with this capacity at 100%.
Combat System
The feature of "shield absorbable" weapons has been replaced by "shield penetration." From now on, laser weapons have 0% shield penetration, projectile weapons have 50%, and disintegrators have 100%.
The "penetration" feature has been replaced by "armor penetration."
The "target" feature of weapons has been replaced by "tracking speed."
Weapon occupancy has been modified from 50, 75, 100, 150 to 50, 100, 150, 200. All chassis have been expanded to accommodate these new sizes.
Propulsion occupancy has been modified from 100, 125, 150, 170, 200 to 100, 150, 200, 250, 300. All chassis have been expanded to accommodate these new sizes.
The "target size" feature of weapons has been replaced by "tracking speed." Instead of comparing the weapon's target size to the size of the target chassis, the comparison is now between the weapon's tracking speed and the target's maneuverability.
A base maneuverability has been added for all chassis:
- "Very Low" -> XL chassis -> XL weapons
- "Low" -> L chassis -> L weapons
- "Medium" -> M chassis -> M weapons
- "High" -> S chassis -> S weapons
- "Very High" -> XS chassis -> XS weapons
Weapon types now have certain specializations:
- Autocannons will have tracking speed equivalent to their weapon size and equivalent armor penetration. An M-sized weapon will have M tracking speed and penetration 2, making it suitable for destroying medium-sized ships. They are the standard weapon, equivalent to the previous system.
- Railguns will have one additional level of penetration and a 25% reduction in damage compared to autocannons. They are optimized for targeting higher armor level foes.
- Gatling guns will have one less penetration level, the same damage, and one more tracking speed level than autocannons. They are optimized for targeting lower armor level foes.
- Lasers will have a 50% damage reduction compared to autocannons but two more tracking speed levels and penetration 5.
Shields now have 50% more damage absorption points than their equivalent hull reinforcement. The shield penetration system has been reversed, so now all projectile weapons ignore 50% of shield damage and absorb 100% of laser damage. In other words, shields are optimized to protect against lasers, and it is better to install hull reinforcements against projectiles.
Auxiliary thrusters have been rebalanced to allow different combinations and add 1 or 2 levels of maneuverability to some ships.
The ship's tractor beam has been corrected to decrease the enemy ship's maneuverability by 1 level. Base tractor beams decrease it by 2 levels.
Probability of Firing Calculation
The calculation of the probability of firing has undergone changes:
- The base firing probability remains at 75%.
- A 25% deduction is made for each level of difference between the weapon's tracking speed and the target's maneuverability.
- Deductions are made if the organization is below 100%.
- If the final probability is less than or equal to 0%, a minimum probability of 1% is assigned (previously 10%). The bonus previously provided by the unit's experience, which is now applied to the final damage if the shot is successful.
Additionally, a damage bonus is applied if the unit's commander or admiral has the "Gunner" skill. A new skill called "Boarding Specialist" has been introduced, which provides a boarding bonus, similar to the former "Gunner" skill.
- Modules for fighter cockpits have been eliminated. Now each fighter carries the necessary seats.
- The number of weapon slots for fighters has been reduced, but the number of shots per round has increased from 1 to 3.
- Eagle fighters can equip either one weapon and one shield or two thrusters, allowing them to achieve the maximum maneuverability in the game (which was previously impossible).
- Falcon fighters can carry two cannons and a shield, making them powerful ships for taking down fighters or small ships.
- Havok fighters maintain their role as bombers, being the only ones capable of equipping torpedoes. The damage of torpedoes has been increased, and plasma torpedoes now have penetration level 5.
- 200mm cannons retain their role as powerful weapons and are useful against other fighters.
- Gatling lasers have been renamed pulse lasers and now have the highest tracking speed in the game (absurdly high).
- One level of energy reactors for fighters has been removed, making the tech tree shorter.
- Two levels of thrusters for fighters have been removed, making the tech tree shorter.
- Scientific exploration has been modified. The duration has been extended from 12 to 18 hours. The exploration result will indicate whether there are new deposits, new regions, rare resources, or treasures, although the probability of finding them is low.
- The results of explorations, depending on the type of mission, will more clearly indicate whether the resource has been found, if there are indications that it exists, or if it does not exist. This change makes it easier to determine if further missions are needed.
- The technologies for Prospecting and Treasure Hunting have been removed. The exploration missions they unlocked can now be acquired with the basic exploration technology.
- The "Explore Entire System" system has been modified so that different systems can be chained together in orders. Once the fleet completes the exploration of the order's system, it proceeds to the next system.
- The possibility of conducting "Scientific Exploration" throughout the system has been added.
- The "Prescient" ability of leaders has been replaced by the "Explorer" ability, which provides a time bonus for fleet exploration missions.
- The war system has been modified. Now, when the "supporting an ally" casus belli is used to declare war, it will be linked to the main war. If the main war ends (either through regular peace or capitulation), all linked wars will also end. However, it will still be possible to negotiate peace independently. If Faction A declares war on Faction B in support of Faction C, A and B can still negotiate peace if they choose to do so. If the main war ends with a surrender and tribute, the loser's allies will not lose prestige or have to pay tribute, but they will have a temporary colony defeat penalty.
- A penalty has been added for early surrender on popular support. If a faction capitulates before 24 hours/game speed have passed since the start of the war, they will suffer an extra penalty in all their colonies.